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Administrative Group of Russian Abstractionist Union prepares sponsorship package for the All-Russian contest "The positive image of Russian character "Tricolor" in the abstract."


Russian Abstractionist Union prepares to host the Annual National Competition positive image of Russian symbolism "Tricolor" in the abstract " in the events of 2014 . Declared the Year of Culture of the Russian Federation and the implementation of the State program "Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation for 2011-2015"

The terms of the contest can be found in the "Contest ."


Sergey Kupriyanov visited the exhibition "Classical abstraction", ART PLAY, running at March 13-16, 2014. Curator David A. Babayan.

Ermilov Mihail





Ermilov Mihail Igorovich






2013 «Ассамблея ремесел», Московский Дом Художника (Россия, Москва)

2013 «Art week», Центр современного искусства «МАРС» (Россия, Москва)

2014 «Art week» (Чехия, Прага)

2014 «Art week» (Португалия, Лиссабон), 2-е место в номинации «Абстрактная живопись»

2014 «Art week», Центральный Дом Художника (Россия, Москва)



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